On February 9, the Turkish Coalition of American (TCA) hosted the launch event for the Future Leaders Series, a three-part workshop presented by the American Turkish Association of Washington, DC (ATA-DC) in partnership with TCA and the Communication, Culture & Technology (CCT) Program of Georgetown University. The first workshop, entitled "Social Media Talks with Industry Leaders," will take place on Tuesday, February 17 at Georgetown University and will discuss the use of social media in personal and professional settings.
At the launch event, attendees had the opportunity to network with other young professionals and learn about TCA and its programs. They also received information about the Future Leaders Series and had an informal discussion about some of the topics that will be addressed during the upcoming workshops. The featured guest speaker of the evening was Lauren deLisa Coleman, a social media industry expert and digi-cultural trends analyst who will be leading one of the series' upcoming workshops. A regular contributor for the Daily Beast, the Huffington Post, cnbc.com, and Business Insider, Ms. Coleman spoke on the benefits of having a personalized social media "strategy", including keeping specific goals in mind, developing a personal brand, and taking the demographics and usage patterns of each platform's audience into account.
The Future Leaders Series workshops are offered free of charge to the general public with the purpose of empowering youth and young professionals in Washington, D.C. through educational and networking opportunities. Each of the three workshops will focus on a different aspect of utilizing social media as a young professional: personal branding and networking; start-ups and crowd-sourcing; and social responsibility.
ATA-DC President Gizem Salcigil White (left) and TCA Project Coordinator Liz Clark(right) addressed the audience at the event.
February 10, 2015